Not Your Daddy’s Led Zeppelin

Not Your Daddy’s Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin Songs Not By Led Zeppelin

Everyone knows Led Zeppelin. Everyone. But, what happens when someone whom are not Led Zeppelin performs Led Zeppelin songs? Usually people go ape-shit, ranting and raving about how this person or that are ruining the music.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and present two cases where credible attempts have been made, one of which is kind of fun and OK in its’ own right, and one that goes beyond what you would expect, spurring some to say it is even better than the original. Blasphemy, I know!


When The Levee Breaks

This is one of my favourite Led Zeppelin tunes, has been for decades. But do you know what? It’s not a Led Zeppelin original. It was in fact written in the 1920s … yes! the 1920s … by husband and wife Kansas Joe McCoy and Memphis Minnie. The song was an ode to the destruction and upheaval caused by the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. I did not know this.

The version I am going to present to you is performed by a cover band, a tribute band, an all female band, known as Zepparella. They aren’t A-listers, by any means. Perhaps not even B-listers, except for perhaps guitarist Gretchen Menn. But let me tell you, they put their heart and soul into it and do a credible job. If you haven’t seen this video before, you might have to watch it twice … once to satisfy your eyeballs, and then again to truly pay attention to the sound. It’s quite good, considering this is little more than a garage band.

Without further ado, I present to you Zepparella performing the Kansas Joe McCoy & Memphis Minnie song When The Levee Breaks, performed in the Led Zeppelin style:


Stairway To Heaven

Is there a more iconic Led Zeppelin song than Stairway To Heaven? I have been rocking out to this song for decades. This is regularly voted as one of the Top 5 rock songs ever. Justified.

But, what about when a couple of women decide to perform it, live, in front of Led Zeppelin themselves?? Will they make a travesty of it? Nope. Not by a long shot. Many are calling this performance perhaps even superior to the original. It did bring the original members of Led Zeppelin to tears, so that says something in itself. These are A-listers!

Here is Anne and Nancy Wilson of Heart, along with Jason Bonham on drums, performing Stairway To Heaven. If it doesn’t send chills down your back, you’re not alive.



I hope you enjoyed these videos. They are among my favourites!

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